Coming Soon!
List of Piercings
Listed below are our body piercing prices. All piercings include jewelry with the service. 444 Ink Tattoos has a female master piercer onsite daily. We always accept walk-in customers for piercings.
Body Piercings
Navel/Belly Piercings
Belly w/stone Piercing
Set of Nipple Piercings
1 Nipple Piercing
Dermal Piercing
Surface Piercing
Back Dimples (Dermal)
Ear Piercings
Anti Tragus Piercing
Conch Piercing
Daith Piercing
Ear lobe Piercing (set)
Ear lobe Piercing (single)
Rook Piercing
Flat Ear Piercing
Forward Helix
Helix Piercing
Double Helix Piercing
Triple Helix
Industrial Piercings
Orbital Body Piercing
Rook Piercing
Surface Tragus Piercing
Snug Piercing
Tragus Piercing
Gauge Stretching (starting)
Oral Piercings
Ashley Piercing
Frog eye Tongue Piercing
Monroe Piercing
Medusa Piercing
Regular Tongue Piercing
Smiley Piercing
Dahlia Piercing
Snake Eye Tongue Piercing
Vertical Labret
Horizontal Labret
Frowney Piercing
Web Piercing
Venom Piercing
Angel Fangs
Facial Piercings
Anti-Eyebrow Piercings
Bridge Piercing
Cheeks Piercing
Double Nose Piercing
Eyebrows Piercing
Spider Bite Piercing
Face Dermal Piercing
Third Eye Dermal Piercing
Labret Piercing
Nose Piercings (Nostril)
Septum Piercing
Snake Bite Piercing
Genital Piercings
Other Piercings
Females Private Piercing
Christina Piercing
Vertical Hood (VCH)
Male Private Piercing
Exotic Piercing Starting
Free Consultation
Piercing Service
Piercing Repair
Piercing Jewelry (basic, surgical steel and titanium)